Money Zone: Cutting Expenses

There’s one surefire way to cut your expenses. And that’s to track where your money goes. We’re talking about all your purchases, even a cup of coffee or lunch at work. This exercise won’t take long, just about 15 minutes a day for one week. We’ll tell you how to track your expenses and what to do with the information you gather.

Cutting Expenses: Member Guide

Want to have lots of savings and no debt? Don’t we all! 🙂 to do it? In this Money Zone, you will learn how to s-s-s-squeeze your budget for more cash, without living like a pauper, so you can start a savings program or pay down debt. Icebreaker Take some M&Ms, but don’t eat […]

Cutting Expenses: Where Does Your Money Go?

To cut expenses, you will need to find out where your money goes. This is not much fun 🙁 but we’ll try to get it over with as quickly as possible. And when you are finished, you’ll be so glad you did this exercise. Step 1. Document your spending Begin by getting a little notepad, […]